Eco Funding

Eco Funding

ECO Funding

What is ECO Funding?

ECO stands for Energy Company Obligation. It is a government backed energy efficiency scheme aimed at helping reduce the carbon emissions of Great Britain and tackle Fuel Poverty.

The Current Eco 4 Scheme runs from the 1st of April 2022 to 1st of April 2026.

Under this scheme there are various grants available to help people pay for energy efficiency measures such as:

Internal Wall Insulation
Cavity Wall Insulation
Room-In-Roof Insulation
Loft Insulation
Air Source Heat Pump
First Time Central Heating
High Heat Retention Electric Storage Heaters
Solar PV

Who Qualifies For ECO Grants?

In order to qualify for ECO grants there are certain benefit related criteria the customer must meet. If the customer receives one of the following benefits, then they may be eligible for a grant to help fund one or more ECO measures. Grants are Free, and at no point are paid back by the customers.

Benefit Type

Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
Income Related Employment & Support Allowance
Income Support
Pension Credit Guarantee
Pension Credit Savings
Housing Benefit
Working Tax Credit
Child Tax Credit
Universal Credit
Child Benefit

In addition to the benefits listed above you may also be eligible for an ECO grant if you receive child benefit and your income and family circumstance meet the child benefit criteria below:

Type of claimant Number of children or qualifying persons
  1 2 3 4 or more
Single claimant £19,900 £24,800 £29,600 £34,500
Member of a couple £27,500 £32,300 £37,200 £42,000